Signs your toddler is ready to Potty Train

You’re waiting until he’s ready. I’m happy for you-- you’re taking the backseat and wanting to ease the ever growing pressures of childhood.

But, let me ask you, what does ready look like to you?

We all pray to the potty gods that we have the toddler miracle who wakes up one day and asks when you guys can get this potty training thing rolling because they’re wham bam ready to goooo.

We will also pray for something similar to happen when it’s time to start studying for the SAT.

Some moms SWEARRR up and down that this was their kid. Hold back your eye roll please-- let’s let them have their win...and don’t expect your kid to do the same. Because they probably won’t. This doesn’t mean your kid is slow, or that you’re doing anything wrong. It means they're normal. And that they’re a toddler.

Breathe. And watch.

Like the lioness lies in wait for the unsuspecting antelope (totally unrelated analogy but i’ve been watching too many nature shows), you lie in wait to snap up the first opportunity your child shows of being “ready”.

There is a good chance that they will find something in the bathroom interesting, be it toilet paper, flushing, or maybe the waste itself( toddlers are weird, roll with it). They might even ask to sit and pee.

Don’t confuse this with an interest in Potty Training-- they probably have a vague idea that it is in their future, but so is driving. Both are socialized behaviors that need to be taught-- and It all feels distant and irrelevant to a toddler, who has no real grasp on time yet, anyways.

Moving on.

So, you see interest in anything “bathroom”. Jump on it. If you don’t take the lead and encourage the interest, they will drop it like it’s hot and keep moving on. They will literally bypass this developmentally perfect window ( 20-30 months) to potty train and leave you crying in their dust.. Or poop. This is the fate of the unfortunate.

Okay, you’ve been on high alert and ready to encourage anything potty. Once you see a spark you’re ready to dive into this thanggg. Waiting. Waiting. 24 months is approaching and there's no interest in the bathroom.

This is okay! The bathroom is kind of a gross place anyways, I don’t blame them.

When you’re here, we need to look for developmental markers. Sounds fancy, but we really just need to know if your kid can communicate and has some sort of grasp on cause and effect yet.

Can they communicate their needs?

Can they somehow ask for juice or water, or a snack?

Are they aware of wants and able to act on them?

Can throw a tantrum for absolutely anything?

Does your child have a sense of a linear process?

Can they sing along to a song that has a specific order? Like ABC or twinkle, twinkle, little star?

Don’t go crazy trying to teach them their ABC’s right after you read this either, that will take CONSISTENCY and REPETITION. Huh, I wonder how else those words will apply to your life as a parent.

However these markers may reveal themselves, if any are present, they are ready.

What also needs to be present is your commitment to potty training and helping your child tackle this foundational life skill. Your toddler is savvy. They will pick up on wavering confidence, and they will capitalize on it.

You know your child best. if you think they are ready-- Go. For. it.

I am plugging Oh Crap! Potty Training by Jamie Glowacki, here. She is the Queen of potty and her book rocks, which is why i felt passionate about this enough to become certified as one of her expert consultants.

Alright-- You have the checklist, you understand the markers and now I’m sending you back out there into the trenches of motherhood. The only thing you need now Mama, is your own COMMITMENT and DRIVE. You totally got this.


How To: potty train twins